Sacda Qıyma Kebab, Traditional Country Style Beef Cutlets, Outdoor Cooking
Salam əziz dostlar bu gün biz sizinlə sacda qıyma kebab resepti ilə bölüşmək istəyirik, ümid varam ki bu reseptui bəyənib öz yaxinlarınız ilə bölüşəcəksiniz.
Dear friends, today we want to share with you Traditional Country Style Beef Cutlets , we really hope that you will like this video and share it on your social networks :)
Outdoor cooking differs substantially from kitchen-based cooking, the most obvious difference being lack of an easily defined kitchen area. As a result, campers and backpackers have developed a significant body of techniques and specialized equipment for preparing food in outdoors.
Kənd Həyatı - bizim məqsədimiz sizə kənd abu havasını bəxş etməktir!
Həmdə biz sizinlə maraqlı yemək və sərinləşdirici içki reseptlərlə bölüşəcəyik!
Наша цель подарить вам деревенскую атмосферу жизни!
As a Country Life Vlog, we love to share what we do at countryside, engage with nature and make the most out of village life. Come and see the colorful videos of nature, unique cooking recipes and just the be
2 years ago 00:19:16 1
Sacda Qıyma Kebab, Traditional Country Style Beef Cutlets, Outdoor Cooking