More than Anything Reprise(LUCIFER & LILITH COVER)❤️

“You’ve already done so much. So many lives you changed, so many souls you touched.“ When I heard TheWongPortfolio’s duet cover of this song, my heart melted and I cried. His emotion was so beautiful and I felt like this song was really speaking to me. Honestly, job hunting has been really rough, but this song reminded me that I have already done so much and to love myself through this hard time. And if anyone else needs to hear that message, this is for you too. So I want to say thank you Andrew for writing the lyrics to this song, and thank you TheWongPortfolio for creating such a beautiful rendition. After I heard his cover, I thought of the idea of Lucifer and Lilith confessing their love, because they both found each other at their lowest point. A truly beautiful love story. Hope you all enjoy ❤️ CREDZ: Vocals- TheWongPortfolio, Wish★ Art- Hellpple @Hellpple_HZ Mix-TheWongPortfolio, Wish★ MV- Wish★ Instrumental- official Hazbin soundtrack
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