This project was in the works for a very long time, and releasing it on the one-year anniversary of Baldurs Gate 3 felt so fitting.
I want to give a big thank you to everyone who allowed me to use their characters in this project. This game has truly developed the most kind, supportive, and creative fanbase I have ever been apart of.
Thank you to @LarianStudios and everyone who poured their heart and souls into this game. It seriously means so much to so many people.
The cover used in this song was created by the amazingly talented @aeryth
Her cover of “Down the River“ Seriously took my breath away when I first heard it, and this project would not exist with out her incredible music.
You can find the cover here:
Tav’s used in order of appearance:
1. Aeryth
2. Aeryth’s Husband
3. Drakka - The Red Eft
4. Mint - Somniatica
5. Ellemmire - Zaki Blue
6. Vah’Zoa - lcvend3r
7. Calamity - wandering-lupine-in-london
8. Briar - TheCheck
9. Miraak - gloomylink
10. Elma - Dido D.
11. Raelle torem - Rachel W.
12. Ris’daer A’darnarn - Mothmanners
13. Mochte - dntquityrdayjob
14. Valentina - Pxssi_mistic
15. Valyrbarn - Meredith
16. Tavania - Shkura
17. Atlanta - loverbirdsittin
18. Ta’vella - mehbey_art
19. Raoul Rosenthrall - cygruss
20. Feora Firecam - PaladinFeora
21. Tav’asha - Septumnism
22. Seraphine - Br00klynnsart
23. Rai - jascury
24. Justin - smorange0
25. Gai Bloodhammer - Jovey4
26. Ceres - annafriedavandyk
27. Svein Marsk - bloodbhaal
Thank you all for trusting me with your beloved characters! I truly appreciate you guys!Show more