A Tav Tribute - [One Year of Baldur’s Gate 3]

This project was in the works for a very long time, and releasing it on the one-year anniversary of Baldurs Gate 3 felt so fitting. I want to give a big thank you to everyone who allowed me to use their characters in this project. This game has truly developed the most kind, supportive, and creative fanbase I have ever been apart of. Thank you to @LarianStudios and everyone who poured their heart and souls into this game. It seriously means so much to so many people. _________________________ The cover used in this song was created by the amazingly talented @aeryth Her cover of “Down ...by the River“ Seriously took my breath away when I first heard it, and this project would not exist with out her incredible music. You can find the cover here: _________________________ Tav’s used in order of appearance: 1. Aeryth 2. Aeryth’s Husband 3. Drakka - The Red Eft 4. Mint - Somniatica 5. Ellemmire - Zaki Blue 6. Vah’Zoa - lcvend3r 7. Calamity - wandering-lupine-in-london 8. Briar - TheCheck 9. Miraak - gloomylink 10. Elma - Dido D. 11. Raelle torem - Rachel W. 12. Ris’daer A’darnarn - Mothmanners 13. Mochte - dntquityrdayjob 14. Valentina - Pxssi_mistic 15. Valyrbarn - Meredith 16. Tavania - Shkura 17. Atlanta - loverbirdsittin 18. Ta’vella - mehbey_art 19. Raoul Rosenthrall - cygruss 20. Feora Firecam - PaladinFeora 21. Tav’asha - Septumnism 22. Seraphine - Br00klynnsart 23. Rai - jascury 24. Justin - smorange0 25. Gai Bloodhammer - Jovey4 26. Ceres - annafriedavandyk 27. Svein Marsk - bloodbhaal Thank you all for trusting me with your beloved characters! I truly appreciate you guys!
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