Could the Universe End by Tearing Apart Every Atom?

PBS Member Stations rely on viewers like you. To support your local station, go to: ↓ More info below ↓ Of all the unlikely ends of the universe, the Big Rip has to be the most spectacular. Galaxies ripped to shreds, dogs and cat first living together, then tragically separated by the infinitely accelerating expansion of space on subatomic scales. Good thing it’s not going to happen. Or is it? Check out the new Space Time Merch Store! Support Space Time on Patreon #bigrip #endoftheuniverse #spacetime Learn More About Dark Energy Here: Hosted by Matt O’Dowd Written by Matt O’Dowd Graphics by Aaron Halevy Directing by Andrew Kornhaber The universe is expanding, and that expansion is accelerating. We don’t know what’s causing that acceleration, but that hasn’t stopped us from giving i
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