FIRST HUMAN TO GET MORE THAN ONE 8-4 IL TAS TIE! I have been going for this inconsistently on and off the past 2 months, but recently, I had the motivation to grind it more consistently. Just like my first 8-4 IL maxout, I was able to clutch it out first run past turnaround room! For me, achieving this not only means that this is replicable, but it’ll also help build my 8-4 consistency in the long run, which will be very good for Any% moving forward since that’s now just a battle of 8-4 frames. Be on the lookout for the next upload soon as you haven’t seen it all just yet... 👀
2 weeks ago 01:37:12 2
Bertrand SCHOLLER : FILLON victime collatérale des Khazars et billard pedocriminiamité ? Vol scrutin
1 month ago 00:26:13 1
Путин против Христа. Как Кремль взял в заложники РПЦ и озолотил патриарха Кирилла / МОЖЕМ ОБЪЯСНИТЬ
1 month ago 01:12:38 1
Ennio Morricone - Peaceful Music in Movies (High Quality Audio)