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52guy - The Sudden End (2022) post-rock, 52guy 🎶 Spotify: Support/Buy: Lyrics: Dear God, You have a grip on me, but I grip onto anxiety I believe its lies and it drives me to satiety I no longer thirst for the fulfilling truth Just simply consume, wasting my youth Pursuing that dream like those faded stars But sometimes I think of jumping in front of a car I wanted a wife, I made that my life Yet I’m here all alone screaming lullabies My best friend promised me we’d stay together But reality divides us as a sadistic aggressor I’ve cut off many of my Christian brothers who ejaculate with sloth But you, Lord, still love them, I’m become wrath Perhaps I’m becoming cruel in old age Or just noticed it now since I left the stage Only a quarter way there but it feels like three lifetimes Three seasons of a show that don’t deserve anymore runtime I’m sorry, O God, for bathing in dissatisfaction As I long to feel your love, just in a fraction You’re present, you dwell, but I simply ignore you I’m a pervert whose brought shame to the name Chu How can I go on? How can I persist? I welcome those thoughts where I should cease and desist What if I danced with the sudden end? As life, well, it never mends - 🔴 Help me to keep channel alive: 🔵 Follow Worldhaspostrock on Instagram: 🎵 Follow our Spotify playlist: 🎧 Join our post-rock community on Discord: - 🔶 To submit your music: submitwhpr@ ⚫ For removal of copyrighted music: submitwhpr@
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