Desert Dwellers - Wandering Sadhu

🧿 Subscribe to Chill Space: Desert Dwellers - Wandering Sadhu, released November 19, 2012. Anahata Yoga Dub is the final installment from Desert Dwellers in the series of Yogi Tunes albums that were originally produced for Yoga teachers such as Shiva Rea and many others. This album is filled with organic warming grooves and spacious ambient tracks, a perfect companion for both a Vinyasa flow and also creating a peaceful state during Shivasana ... or to chill out and relax to after hours and off the mat. It is a musical journey that truly keeps to the Desert Dwellers signature yoga dub style of soundscapes, and spans genres, time periods, and cultures to create a broad, rich tapestry of mystical journeys. Produced by Amani Friend of Desert Dwellers, along with Rara Avis & Craig Kohland of Shaman’s Dream. ► Get it: Recommended: 🔊Desert Dwellers - Wandering Sadhu (Sud
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