Watercolor Sunset Beach Painting Video Tutorial

Some of you have been asking me a lot about the colors I’ve been using, here is the list I have used for this painting: THE SKY PORTION: *Mauve, *Rouge Brillant, *Thalo Crimson, *Crimson, *Thalo Blue, *Cadmium Yellow Pale, *Cadmium Yellow Hue, *Indigo, *Purple Lake, *Cerulean Blue Hue, *Orange, *Permanent White Designers Gouache, *Ultramarine, *Gamboge Hue THE BEACH : *Payne’s Gray, *Mauve, *Indigo, *Thalo Crimson, *Thalo blue additionally *Ivory Black, *Permanent White Designers Gouache plus some of the colors from above, for example: The reflecting light on the rocks. THE SEA: *Thalo Blue, *Permanent White Designers Gouache, *Cadmium yellow Hue, *Orange, *Indigo, *Mauve, *Ivory Black THE PAPER I am using: Hot Pressed Watercolor paper 9X12, this one is super smooth. I hope this helps! That is a lot of colors, but once you have them on your palette it’s more clear... I basically put all the yellows, oranges next to each other, then reds, th
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