“WILL GO OUT FOR MONTHS“ - FED. GOV. issues URGENT EMERGENCY WARNING| Off Grid with Patrick Humphrey
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Check out Off Grid with Doug and Stacy and their off grid homestead who have incredible homesteading knowledge and wisdom. They have taught me tons about homesteading and being off grid.
Off Grid with Patrick Humphrey-
The federal government is warning that the internet and pwoer grid could go out for months if a coronal mass ejection CME hits earth as the sun enters its grand solar maximum cycle. Prepare now for a grid collapse as NASA is warning of an “internet apocalypse“ from a solar flare. Get prepared now for the Prepare now and get off grid so the grid collapse or EMP wont affect you. Prepare now to bug out and pack your bug out bag. An EMP could collapse the power grid forcing you off grid. The grid could collapse and you should be off grid. WW3 world war three is closer than ever. Shtf is here in 2023 and