Its Just Like Disco Elysium

Credits have rolled, the menu reappears, and you’re left longing for another hit of Disco Elysium. Naturally, you look for something, anything to fill the void, and in return, you’re bombarded by hundreds of “Disco Elysium Like“ movies, books, and games. But what makes a piece of media, “Disco Elysium Like“, what does that even mean? I still don’t know. Side note: I had just about finished this video when People Make Games released a two hour documentary that gave a lot of insight into the real people that made Disco Elysium, as well as their real world struggles as the parent company, ZAUM, changed hands. If you have any love for the developers, or just the game itself, I highly recommend heading that way and learning more. Media Featured: Disco Elysium - The Final Cut, The City & The City, Kraken, Kentucky Route Zero, True Detective, The Wire, Twin Peaks, Fallout: New Vegas Music (In Order of Appearance): British Sea Power - Advesperascit
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