Geology Bath: # 1 Mine We’ve Seen For Mineralization

There were a mix of mines at this site, but most reports put the origin of the workings here in the early 1900s. Gold and silver were the primary minerals that the miners were after here, but, obviously, there were a LOT of other minerals present. And this cluster of mines demonstrates, once again, that no mines are exactly alike and that you just never know what you’re going to get when you scramble into an abandoned mine... The giant, unexplored multi-level abandoned mines like the Lost Worlds Project are amazing and definitely rank in my favorites. However, some small mines also rank in my favorites for having unique features, unexpected surprises or “personality” for lack of a better word. The wildly unexpected mineralized chamber we discovered is an example of the “unexpected surprise” category. Many mine explorers bypass smaller mines to focus on the large mines. There is merit in that, but I try to visit mines of all sizes for exactly the reasons that you see in this video. *****
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