Jacques Attali | The Future of Life | GREAT MINDS

There are a great number of human activities that are potentially dangerous threats to our own survival. Futurologist Jacques Attali calls this area of production “the economy of death“. Jacques Attali argues that 60% of what we produce is slowly killing us, and this will lead to our ultimate demise. On the other side, there is “the economy of life”, which constitutes all that humanity produces that is actually beneficial to us. However, this only constitutes makes up about 40% of all that is produced. Dr. Attali stresses that our big challenge as a civilization is to shift more and more from the economy of death to the economy of life. We should be be constantly reminding ourselves of this, asking ourselves constantly, “Are we doing something that is useful to contributes to the this economy of life?“ Learn from through lectures by the world’s GREAT MINDS. Watch your insights grow and your universe expand. Lecture :
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