ЯСЕНЬ “Yasen“ by Innessa (Alternative Folk + Russian influences)
“Yasen“ (Album “Folkloria“)
Lyrics and music by Innessa
Alternative Pop/Rock infused with Russian Folk melodies
🌿Translation by Ivan Renatovich
In the field an ash tree,
Swayed and shook back…
He returned back from where he came
And never looked back...
In my heart he planted sapling.
Watered it in, well with water.
With the sun he warmed it -
Then flew out the window as if he oughta.
Its roots are in the damp earth
But no one feeds, waters or forms it
And on its branch, a leaf is growing greener –
Even though the sun no longer warms it.
In my heart he planted sapling.
Watered it in, well with water.
With the sun he warmed it -
Then flew out the window as if he oughta.
In Russian:
Ой да в поле ясень
Ушёл восвояси
Не оглянулся
Посадил в сердце деревце
Да полил его водицей
Обогрел его солнцем
Ой да улетел ветерком в оконце
Ой да в поле ясень
Ушёл восвояси
Не оглянулся
Во сырой во земле корни
Но никто их не поит не кормит
А на ветке лист зеленеет
Ой да только солнце его не
2 months ago 00:03:55 1
7ка (бульбулятр) А.Тюрина из Ясеня Скального. Сборка.