Left Vs Right Psyop - Talks with Lena Belle

Do we keep flapping around with one wing trying to fly? Or do we join together both wings and take to the sky? 🦅 I just turned my camera on and started riffing. In posting this, I am releasing all shame and fear of being cancelled. I release fear around whether people will like me or not, or whether I am pleasing enough without any makeup or filters and with comfy, casual clothes. I am letting go of the fear of “saying something wrong” or “going too far” or “being too radical” or being labeled a “conspiracy theorist”. I reject the influence of any energies that would keep me small, keep my expression blocked, or keep me afraid. I make no apologies for expressing myself authentically. And I don’t have to always be perfectly pretty/attractive and put together in everyone’s eyes. Disclaimer: *Please always think for yourself, question, and don’t believe what I say simply because I have said it. Do your own thinking and your own research. I am expressing my perspective.
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