(49) our narrowboat life - It’s Like A Boat Graveyard Here!!!

NARROW ESCAPE - our narrowboat life adventure; In this episode, we travel south on the Grand Union canal towards Rickmansworth. We moor up and got for an explore along the towpath and stumble across what looks like a boat graveyard! We hope you’ll SUBSCRIBE and support the channel and join us on our big adventure. We’ll be sure to post new videos every week and look forward to taking you on our journey. See you on the next one! #NarrowboatJosh #Narrowboatvlogs #elliottandsue #elliottsue #narrowboat #NarrowboatExperience #NarrowboatLiving #NarrowboatLife #Josh #Newnarrowboatvlogs #Narrowboa...tvloggers #grandunioncanal ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you are able to we’d be delighted if you could support our channel in one of the following ways: 1. Subscribe to our YouTube channel - 2) Become a Patron through Patreon -
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