DARK SILVER: Legend of the Lost Southern Indiana Silver Mine

There’s an old legend, dating back over 200 years ago. It says that underneath the rolling hills of Southern Indiana, lies a vast silver mine, holding immense wealth. Known only to the Indians, that once lived there, silver was reportedly mined and smelted into crude silver ingots, and traded to the white man for milling their corn. So filled with silver was the mine, that Indians boasted that there was enough silver, to shoe every horse in the county, with silver horseshoes! It sounds like an amazing campfire story, but what if it were actually true? I’ve spent over 40 years tracing the legend back to its roots, from my Great Grandmothers story, to libraries, and caves in the wilderness. What I found, was nothing short of amazing. This is both a very personal account of my adventure, but also a tale of dark deeds, greed and secrets on the Indiana frontier. Filmed on location at Charlestown, Vincennes, Sellersburg, Henryville, New Albany, Memphis, Galena, Greenville, Mitchell, Silverville,
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