Scott Ritter Warns: Russia’ Topol-M Nuclear Armed North Korea Frighten U.S- Russia Slaughter Ukraine

Scott Ritter Warns: Russia’ Topol-M Nuclear Armed North Korea Frighten U.S - Russia Slaughter Ukraine In this compelling analysis, Scott Ritter, a former U.S. Marine Corps intelligence officer and UN weapons inspector, discusses the strategic escalation of Russia arming North Korea with SS-27 ICBMs, potentially targeting the United States. Ritter examines the implications of this significant military alliance and what it means for global security, particularly the balance of power in the Pacific region. Ritter delves into the tactical and strategic implications of North Korea possessing advanced Russian missiles and the potential shift in nuclear deterrence it represents. He also provides a detailed assessment of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, where he describes Russia’s operations as a comprehensive slaughter across various fronts, indicating a severe intensification of the war. Throughout the video, Ritter explores the broader geopolitical consequences of these developments, i
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