Why is Christian worship music often so shallow?

Resources: -Made in Our Image by Steven Lawson -When Worship Lyrics Miss the Mark -Why our worship music should just be better Verses this video was founded on: -Exodus 20:3-4 -Romans 12:3-6 -2 Corinthians 5:17-21 -Acts 17:24-27 -Romans 1:23 -Jeremiah 33:11 -Luke 18:19 -2 Corinthians 10:5 -Psalm 50:21 -Psalm 45:7 -Exodus 3:14 -Matthew 5:48 -Exodus 34:7 -Proverbs 1:7 -Proverbs 9:10 -Isaiah 6:3 -Psalm 115:3 -Isaiah 46:10 -Nahum 1:2-3 -Romans 11:22 -Isaiah 53:4 -Romans 5:8 PO Box address: Becca Eller PO Box #20 10420 State Street Mossville, IL 61552
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