3 Things I Like About Finnish Culture (in Finnish)| Mistä tykkään Suomen kulttuurissa? (suomeksi)

Want to improve your Finnish? Get a copy of some of the resources I’ve used and recommend: Teach Yourself Finnish course: The most complete Finnish Grammar: (Amazon Affiliate links - if you buy something, I get a small percentage, no extra costs for you) Heippa kaikille! Hello everybody! In today’s video I’m sharing with you guys (in Finnish) my thoughts on a few things that strike me as particularly noteworthy about Finnish culture. I hope you enjoy the video, and the listening practice if you’re learning Finnish! If you want to work with me, check out my Tutor Profile on Italki and get in touch! If you register on for FREE through my personal referral link: you will get a 10$ BONUS when you buy your first credits!
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