Guy Lombardo - Too Many Tears (1932)

Too Many Tears Words by Al Dubin, music by Harry Warren Guy Lombardo and His Royal Canadians Vocal refrain by Carmen Lombardo Recorded February 23, 1932 Brunswick 6261 [This is a re-post to correct audio from right channel only.] The tune is from the 1932 Warner Brothers musical film “Blessed Event“ starring Lee Tracy and Mary Brian. In the film it was sung by Dick Powell in his screen debut. Al Dubin and Harry Warren wrote 60 hit songs for Warner Brothers movies including 42nd Street, Footlight Parade and all five of the Gold Digger films. Peter Mintun, pianist and authority on American popular culture of the 1920s & 1930s has stated that “Too Many Tears“ is Harry Warren’s most sophisticated melody. Watch Peter Mintun perform “Too Many Tears“
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