We All Take from the River - Game Trailer

We All Take from the River is an educational game of resource management and social deduction. You play as settlers along an uninhabited river, each with a unique set of objectives to complete over the course of several days. Sometimes you and your neighbor’s objectives will overlap and sometimes they will clash. Turns begin at the top of the river and proceed downstream. Players build and move structures along the river to control when they act, competing for the best spots available. Players at the top of the river will have the advantage of acting first, while players at the bottom of the river will have access to more resources that gather as the waters flow. If a player pollutes upstream, it may have negative consequences for their neighbors below. Any combination of players may win by the end of the game so long as each of them have completed their objectives. Or, if the estuary becomes clogged with pollution and the river ecosystem is destroyed, every player will lose
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