Dr. Amandha Dawn Vollmer - There Is No Rona virus

Dr. Amandha Dawn Vollmer - There Is No Rona virus Germs, Bacteria, Fungus & Even Viruses (Which Are Not Viruses But Protein Based Exosomes Whithin Our RNA) Are Everywhere. So-Called Diseases Are Symptoms Of An Underlying Toxicity Within The Cells. So-Called Viruses Are Manufactured Within Our Bodies As A Protection Mechanism Against Over We Are Overly Toxic Our Bodies Create A Natural Detoxification Process Called A Cold, A Flu, Or Pneumonia To Rid The Body Of These Deadly Toxins. Viruses Are Not Contagious In Any Form (unless weaponized in labs) There’s plenty of information explaining how we do NOT and can not catch viruses. It’s your responsibility as “Adults“ to look into this very important information or laugh and continue living in the echo chamber. Companies are more scared of the goverment than Germ theory. Biochemistry debunks Corona. Its the terrain not a germ theory.
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