High Voltage Audio! Sparks Fly! - DC Audio SPL Van Tuned - 12 12’s, 3

for more info visit - the official Audio Forum for DC direct questions, get quick answers! Sacramento Autorama 2012 - Rusty stopped by to get his system tuned before the show. I almost shocked the daylights out of myself but it was nothin’ but a “little“ spark LOL! Warning: always turn the system back down before hooking the speaker wires back up. As stated in the video, that was NOT a shorted amps were at full power when i put the [correct] wire into the [correct] terminal and caused a spark when it touched. Nothing was hurt, not even me luckily :D PAY ATTENTION, car audio can be dangerous! I will learn from my own mistakes, hopefully you will too! Again, no harm here but ALMOST :) CLICK THIS LINK TO SAVE MONEY, GET STICKERS, AND FREE 2ND DAY SHIPPING UPGRADE! WE SHIP DAILY! (EXCEPT WEEKENDS)
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