Comical Cycles (1933)

“The humorist in France isn’t confined to the ordinary cycles. Glance at these wheels.“ M/S of a group of people sitting astride weird bicycles. They look as if they are about to start a race. They set off. “Long and short, low and high - this queer club has a rollicking time on its weird wheels.“ L/S of a man riding a huge bike, followed by a child on a very small bike. All sorts of strange bicycles are ridden around a race track of sorts. The man on the very large bike and two children on tiny bikes again pass the camera. Written around the front wheel of the large bike are the words “Les Velos de Gervaise.“ More shots of the strange bikes follow. “If the country is flat and uninteresting - put variety into the cycles - “ The race continues - more weird and wonderful bikes. Was an item in Eve’s Film Review issue number 649. FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONLINE CHANNEL, BRITISH PATH&#
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