Hunger(recorded 12/19/22) | Spoken Words

Hunger Why do we have hunger in this land called the U.S. of A? With brochures advertising of luxury places to stay. Is it more important for the rich to gain more wealth? Sending small amount of their tax deductible money and call that help? Why are corporations downsizing and sending work overseas? Is it to take advantage of the lower cost for workers like the Chinese? I wonder, does the government realize without workers they can’t collect any taxes? Or do they need to hire more accountants to give them the cold hard facts? What priority does our government place on our quality of life? Allowing some to prosper and others life full of strife. “Be proud to be an American and help feed the hungry in Afghanistan.” Never hearing the cries of hunger right here in this land. But they rather pour billions to the people of Iraq.
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