Måneskin @ Sanremo Music Festival 2022, Italy Feb,1 ’Coraline’ lyrics’ English version

We’ve been touched by Måneskin band performing on their beautiful rock ballad ’Coraline’. But what’s behind Damiano’s tears and what’s behind those words? Well the lyrics tells about the story of a young woman crushed down by the society and by her own inner voice continuously asking not to eat and blinding her in. She cannot find the strenght to react despite her virtual charming prince’ attempts to help her. So she ends up to push herself at the edge, surrounded by virtual castle’s powerful walls and becomes invisible to the world. Thank to Måneskin band to have come with this hidden and terrible issue out. Often music can reveal such uncomfortable issues but it can also help to heal them and get up your feet on again.. Thank MUSIC and thank to Europe band to walk by my side along the journey of a life..❤ Video credit to I thought it’s worth to settle the lyrics’ English version down.. But tell me
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