Test stream (x264 720p1080p) Xeon E5 2689 + GTX 970 in games

Test stream (x264 720p/1080p) Xeon E5 2689 GTX 970 in games 6:14 World of tanks 12:30 Apex Legends 19:00 Battlefield 1 online 26:27 CS GO 37:19 Pubg 47:24 Fortnite 55:50 Battlefied 5 single 1:09:45 Watch dogs 2 My System1: CPU: Xeon e5 2689 stock RAM: 4x4 Gb DDR3 1866 МГц MB: PlexHD X79 Turbo GPU: nVidia GeForce GTX970 MSI Armor 2X SSD: PLEXTOR PX-128M5S 128Gb HDD: WDC WD30 EFRX-68EUZN0 3Tb PSU: aerocool higgs 650w MON: Benq g2450 Recorded with: Shadowplay OS: Windows 10 Pro 64 bit DRIVERS: NVIDIA Tермопаста arctic cooling mx-2 Programs used for monitoring: MSI Afterburner & Fraps Стрим через OBS Битрейт 5000 Кодировка видео потока (x264) veryfast 1080p
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