Hallyu World - Super Junior’s SIWON Interview Teaser 崔始源_최시원 做客《韓流世界》

Filmed along the gorgeous Hangang River with breathtaking views, Hallyu World invites a special celebrity guest to the scene! Followed by millions of fans around the world, this handsome man is filled with endless charm and personality! Welcome Super Junior’s very own, Choi Siwon! Stay tuned for the full exclusive interview coming soon! 波光粼粼的漢江河畔,遊艇在清爽的秋風中蕩漾, 韓流世界 以一個特別的方式迎接這位特別的客人, 他在全球擁有著上億的忠實粉絲, 完美帥氣的外表,自然散發出一種溫和的紳士
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