Jung’s original work: Undifferentiated/Ambiversion (U) and the U type | Jungian attitudes

Credits to Psychological Types by Jung for definition of undifferentiation. - - - - An individual is born undifferentiated (stage 1). - Over time individuals move through stage 2 (just one function or attitude). - Stage 3 is typically entered in adolescence (usually only the attitude or auxiliary is still undifferentiated). - Most people stay in phase 3 for the rest of their life but some move to stage 4 (full differentiation) sometimes in adult years. - - - Recommended test to find your jungian type based on Jung’s original work without extra additions: Psyche orientation checker by Vendrah: “Sticking labels on people at first sight is nothing but a childish parlor game. My typology is... not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical. My typology is based exclusively on psychological premises which can hardly coincide with physiological or somatic qualities.”​ —C.G. Jung Do you wanna learn Jung’s original work? Do yourself a favour - go read Psychological Types by Jung. Keep in mind that motivations are enneagram territory [check Katherine Fauvre] and that agreeableness/disagreeableness is linked to heart attitude. Also remember that socionics is NOT Jung’s original work. Socio is mostly enneagram based () plus it has different definitions from Jung including Kepinski info metabolism considerations added to the mix as I pointed here: #personality #carljung #jungianpsychology #jungian #undifferentiated #ambivert #ambiversion
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