King/Queen soul expression

Watch this quick overview to King/Queen soul expression in Michael Teachings ;) Credits to Michael Teachings for the discovery. - - - King/Queen - Singular Focus - Cardinal role Main theme: Guidance vs Tyranny Focus: Leadership Action axis [enganging with outer world and realm of doing, making things happen] Inputs: current reality Key traits: Endurance, sacrificing for others, realistic, practical, regal, upright posture, distant, aloof, put together, polished, polite, intolerant. Enneagram wise King/Queen is the VA stereotype of 8 [with Warrior second] or 1 [combined with Priest second] (on average 80% of King/Queen tend to be 8 or 1 main) but you may be King and not be 8 or 1 main. - - - You can find more info at... - Michael Teachings for theory: - Katherine Fauvre’s advanced course on visual archetypes to dig deeper on their detection: - - - - EXEMPLARS OF KINGS/QUEENS: King: Donald Trump sp 837 King-Artisan: Johnny Cash sp 874 King-Sage: Tony Blair so 371 King-Priest: Elon Musk sx 538 King-Warrior: Sean Connery sx 874 King-Server: Martin Luther King so 836 King-Scholar: Eckhart Tolle so 513 Queen: Queen Elizabeth so 925 Queen-Artisan: Danielle Steel sp 217 Queen-Sage: Jody Kaylor sp 174 Queen-Priestess: Martha Stewart so 137 Queen-Warrior: Diana Chapman so 872 Queen-Server: Yoko Ono so 258 Queen-Scholar: - Honorable mentions for secondary King/Queen: - Tia Carrere sx 371 Priestess-Queen - Steve Jobs sp 748 Priest-King Credits to Katherine Fauvre for tritype. Link to her website: For more exemplars of King/Queen soul expressions feel free to check: - - - Like, subscribe, share and comment - You help me, I help you. Would you like a personality profiling and/or dating coaching services? Check for more info Spread the word around and join my Patreon! #personality #spirituality #yoga #michaelteachings #king #queen #soul #role #guidance
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