4K City Walks: Tallinn Estonia’s Medieval Old Town - Virtual Walk Walking Treadmill Video

You might be interested in our other Channels: TravelingMel - FamilyTravel - Nature Relaxation Therapy - In 4K City Walks: Tallinn Estonia’s Medieval Old Town - Virtual Walk Walking Treadmill Video you will walk through the amazingly preserved Medieval heart of Tallinn Estonia. Amazingly preserved streets and alleyways wander in a senseless morass of a labyrinth but that just make it more enjoyable. The old city walls still surround most of the old town. 40 ft high, they tower above you as you walk. The area bleeds history. From the market square and town hall to the Kiek in de Kok museum and the various cathedrals, including the onion domed Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, the city welcomes you with its enchanting embrace. How’s that for poetry. I walked in the morning on this one and I had to try twice since I accidentally lost the footage from the first try. I also used my Sony with a wide angle lens to capture the tall buildings in the narrow stre
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