Hello, my friends, this is Dr. Beter. Today is July 19, 1976, and this is my monthly AUDIO LETTER No. 14.

What I am forced to tell you about today is grave and urgent beyond description. I believe you have a right and a need to know about it, and yet I already know that in all likelihood you will not believe me when I tell you because it is something no one wants to believe. I’ve wrestled with this thing wondering how best to tell you what you must be told, but all I can say is that it is absolutely true beyond any shadow of a doubt. I stake my entire life and my reputation on this fact. If there were any doubt at all about what I am about to reveal, I would not reveal it. At this very moment the United States of America is teetering on the precipice of a devastating nuclear surprise attack the likes of which the world has never seen. If the detailed plans for war that I have already told you about are carried out as discussed especially in my monthly AUDIO LETTERS Nos. 6, 12, and 13, this attack might not come for as much as another year or even more; but that is a very big IF because the capability for this attack is now in place, and it includes provisions for a Soviet double-cross of their allies--the four Rockefeller Brothers, who now rule America behind the scenes. Today I want to alert you to the terrible threat we face by means of these topics: Topic #1--THE SOVIET MISSILE CRISIS OF 1976 Topic #2--HITLER’S PATTERN FOR AMERICA’S BICENTENNIAL ERA Topic #3--THE PLANS FOR AMERICA’S FUTURE UNDER OCCUPATION AND DICTATORSHIP
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