Hello, my friends, this is Dr. Beter. Today is June 30, 1978, and this is my Audio letter No. 35.

Today, my friends, we are witnessing the breakdown of one of the five civilizations that exist in the world today--that of the modern Western Civilization. The growth and development of any civilization is a process of challenges and responses to those challenges; and as Toynbee discovered, it is when a civilization fails to respond to an important challenge, especially a moral challenge, that breakdown occurs. History reveals that there is no hard and fast pattern that requires breakdown to occur at all; but once it does take place, the civilization starts disintegrating--and from then on, modern history reveals not a single case in which the process of collapse has ever been reversed. My three topics for today are: Topic #1--THE BREAKDOWN AND DISINTEGRATION OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION; Topic #2--THE KAMIKAZE PLANS OF AMERICA’S SECRET RULERS; and Topic #3--THE KREMLIN PLANS FOR THE INTERPLANETARY RUSSIAN EMPIRE.
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