Hello, my friends, this is Dr. Beter. Today is October 29, 1978, and this is my Audio letter No. 39.

It was 21 years ago this month that the Space Age dawned for mankind. On October 4, 1957, millions around the world listened in amazement to the radioed beep, beep, beep of Sputnik I--the world’s first artificial satellite was in orbit, put there by Russia. In Audioletter No. 19, nearly two years ago, I revealed how it happened that Russia beat America into space. The United States could have launched an earth satellite more than a year ahead of Sputnik I, but our Unseen Rulers deliberately tied the hands of our space experts for reasons of personal gain and power. As a result, the honor of taking mankind’s first step into space will belong to Russia for all the rest of human history. To one who loves America as much as I do, America’s default at such a historic moment has always been a very bitter pill to swallow. And today it’s even more crushing to see that, after a brief heyday in space, America has defaulted once again to Russia--and this time, as I revealed last year in Audioletter No. 26, it’s permanent. My three topics for today are: Topic #1--RUSSIA’S HOT PURSUIT OF HER BOLSHEVIK ENEMIES Topic #2--AMERICA’S PANIC REARMAMENT LEADING TO NATIONAL SUICIDE Topic #3--THE PUBLIC SIGNS OF WAR TO COME.
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