Dear family I like to share a new journey as an hommage to the wonderful and powerful strain of criollo cacao. All of us use it to heal, to vibrate high, to share the medicine and the most important thing: to come together - as a connectorness she has this power to brings us closer to our center. Within ourselves and especially with others to open up the circles and to feel the family. I hope you enjoy it and feel free to share it like you know it from sharing this magical elixir.
Gracias por tu vibra, tu sanación y amor
Andy Aquarius ☉ Chapel
Corimbo ☉ Semillero
Kurup ☉ Minguante
... Dream, Poranguí, Eric Zang ☉ Olorum
Corimbo ☉ Bajo un Sauce
Won Ken Howl ☉ The Dallay Llamas
Cyma ☉ Newen (Feat. Sauco)
The White Arrow ☉ Yana Boa
Iyakuh, Binder, Matia Kalli ☉ Song Of The Earth
SavaBorsa ☉ La Voz de la Vibración Ft. Arnaldo Herrera
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