How to solve ABO blood type problems

Human blood is divided into one of four main blood types (A, B, AB, and O) and are based on the presence or absence of specific antigens on red blood cells. Blood types are inherited and consist of red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and plasma. The need for your specific type is always in need, and donors are the only source for this life saving gift. #aboBloodGroup #genetics #BloodType #ABOBloodType #BloodGroup #AlleleFrequency #GenotypeFrequency #ABOBloodTypes #ABOBloodGroups #RhBloodGroups #blood #classification #antibodies #transfusion #incompatibility #rhesus #bloodGroupsAndBloodTypes #bloodGroupsExplained #bloodGroupsAndTransfusions #bloodGroupsVideo #aboBloodTypesExplained #aboBloodGroupSystem #aboBloodTyping #bloodTypeCompatibility #bloodTypesAndRhFactor
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