How to calculate response mean to selection

The breeder’s equation can be used to predict the change in a trait (R) based on the estimate of the selection differential (S) and the heritability (h2) of the trait (R = h2S). It is useful for predicting short-term responses when heritability remains stable. Estimate the mutation load in the next generation Estimate the number of breeders in a population (effective population size) #selection #breeding #AnimalBreeding #animalSelection #genetics #selectionDifferential #populationMean #NarrowSenseHeritability #geneticVatiance #Allele #populationGenetics #QuantitativeGenetics #genotype #phenotype #heritability #population #ResponseToSelection #phenotypicValue #basePopulationMean #meanOfTheSelectedParents #additiveGeneticVariance #heriability #NikolaysGeneticsLessons
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