ABO blood groups and Rh factor problem and solution

The ABO blood group system is the most important blood type system (or blood group system) in human blood transfusion. Found on platelets, epithelium, and cells other than erythrocytes, AB antigens (as with other serotypes) can also cause an adverse immune response to organ transplantation. #aboBloodGroupSystem #bloodGroupSystem #bloodTypeSystem #bloodTransfusion #platelets #epithelium #erythrocytes #serotypes #ABOBloodType #BloodGroup #AlleleFrequency #GenotypeFrequency #ABOBloodTypes #ABOBloodGroups #RhBloodGroups #blood #classification #antibodies #transfusion #incompatibility #rhesus #bloodGroupsAndBloodTypes #bloodGroupsExplained #bloodGroupsAndTransfusions #bloodGroupsVideo #aboBloodTypesExplained #bloodTypesAndRhFactor
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