DNA paternity test explained

The Science behind your DNA Test Report After samples have been received at the laboratories, the initial stages of DNA testing include the extraction, replication and analysis of your DNA from the swabs provided. The lab will analyze specific regions on the DNA profile with a total of 13-21 of these regions covered. These regions referred as genetic markers (genetic markers, sometimes called “loci”, are essentially DNA sequences with an exact location on our chromosomes). For each of these genetic markers (or loci) there are 2 alleles expressed in the test result – one allele is always inherited from our father and the other from our mother. The way through which a parental match is found and thus, the alleged father confirmed as the biological father of the child is by comparing alleles on the profile of the alleged father and child to see whether these correspond. For example, if the child’s alleles marks 14 and 17 and the mother’s alleles mark 14 and 18 for a specific locus, we can see that there is a match on marker 14 – this allele was inherited by the child from his or her biological mother. We are now left with the child’s allele number 17 which we know was inherited from the paternal side (this can be deduced even without testing the father by simple process of elimination). The laboratory tests a total of 20 genetic markers which put together form the person’s DNA profile. All 20 markers must be shared between alleged father and child in order to confirm a paternal biological match – in other words, the alleged father and child must have matching alleles on all counts. If markers do not match, then the result will exclude the tested male as the biological father of the child. #DNAFingerprinting #dnaPaternityTest #DNA #geneticMarkers #identigene #DNATest #paternityTesting #paternity #PaternityTest #NikolaysGeneticsLessons #DNAPaternityTesting #homeDnaTest #discreetDnaTest #atHomePaternityTest #DNATestKit #myForeverDna #auntAndUncleDnaTest #avuncularDnaTest #bestDnaTest #grandparentDnaTest #atHomePaternityTestKit #howToDoADnaTestWithoutSomeoneKnowing #discreetPaternityTest
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