KHORS - live @ Taras Bulba festival XXX Years Anniversary 2021 (Full Show)

Live at Taras Bulba XXX Years Anniversary festival. Domna Metal Stage, Dubno, Ukraine, . Video footage by Taras Bulba festival crew Sound engineering by Eugene Pylypenko Jurgis - guitar, vocal Andres - guitar, backong vocals vocal Khorus - bass Khaoth - drums 0:00 - Intro 1:48 - Голод (Starvation) 7:05 - Щастям Забуті (Blissforsaken) 14:49 - Туман (The Mist) 22:10 - За межами тваринного (Beyond the Bestial) 29:33 - Крізь обрій ненароджених зірок (Through the Realm of Unborn Stars) 36:16 - Холодний морок душі (Frigid Obscurity of Soul) 43:28 - Мій козацький шлях (My Cossack Way) 52:00 - ...Під гострим часу лезом (Beneath the Keen Edge of Time) You can check the entire Domna Metal Stage day by this link:
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