This is the final project for my Advanced Mechatronics class at Penn State University. The robot is the skeleton of a turret from the game Portal that uses an IP webcam to track a target and fire nerf bullets at them. This is the current state of the robot as of 5/9/12, but I am currently molding a shell for the frame to make it look like the Portal turret, along with improving my code to make the tracking faster. All programming is done with MATLAB and Arduino. Enjoy!
4 months ago 04:13:11 1
The Last FARMER - Финал - Автоматическая турель - Последний фермер на земле
5 months ago 00:19:40 1
Half-Life 2: Episode Two Remastered (MMOD + 4K Текстуры) Глава 7: Т-Минус Один 4К 60FPS
5 months ago 00:27:56 1
Half-Life 2: Episode Two Remastered (MMOD + 4K Текстуры) Глава 6,2: Наш Общий Недруг 4К 60FPS
5 months ago 00:23:23 1
Half-Life 2: Episode Two Remastered (MMOD + 4K Текстуры) Глава 6,1: Наш Общий Недруг 4К 60FPS
5 months ago 00:35:16 1
Half-Life 2: Episode Two Remastered (MMOD + 4K Текстуры) Глава 5: На Радаре 4К 60FPS
5 months ago 00:22:30 1
Half-Life 2: Episode Two Remastered (MMOD + 4K Текстуры) Глава 4: Вооружен и на Дороге 4К 60FPS
5 months ago 00:29:54 1
Half-Life 2: Episode Two Remastered (MMOD + 4K Текстуры) Глава 3: Мостостроитель Фримен 4К 60FPS