~【みおん】シル・ヴ・プレジデント 踊ってみた 【オリジナル振付】 - Niconico Video sm38642722

“If I become president ...! 』\ This song is so cute that I’ve always wanted to dance since I first heard it! !! I couldn’t wait to be able to choreograph, so I made it by myself for the first time! I was wondering if I should post it after seeing the completion, but I will give it because it is a big deal! I did all the shooting and editing myself, so the result seems to be -ࡇ-, and I think I’m not dancing in the first place. I’m waiting for a lot of kind comments, etc. ᐡ ඉ ́ ̫ ඉ ̀ᐡ! Music head family (Pmaru-sama / Nanahoshi Orchestra) 踊った人 みおん ❁︎ Twitter ❁︎ mylist ❁Y︎ouTube みおん 04/26/2021 15:00 Views 1,206
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