BEHEMOTH - O Father O Satan O Sun! (LYRIC VIDEO - Unofficial, fanmade)
Cheers! New video lyric. In this opportunity, with BEHEMOTH and the song “O Father O Satan O Sun!“ I appreciate the comments and suggestions.
Saludos, ¡Nueva Video Lírica! (No Oficial), en esta ocasión haciendo homenaje a otra joya del Metal: BEHEMOTH
Agradezco comentarios y sugerencias.
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Diseño, diagramación y animación: Nicolás Torrejano
Correo: metalyricsvideos@
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BEHEMOTH - O Father O Satan O Sun! (LYRIC VIDEO - Unofficial, fanmade).
Taken from the album “The Satanist“
Release date: February 3rd, 2014
Song By: Behemoth
Video By: Nicolás Andrés Torrejano Herrera