17 Little known medicinal effects of figs. P2

17 Little known medicinal effects of figs. P2 5. Stomach weakness, or digestive disorders: Fig 30g, finely chopped, slightly burned, 10g per day braked with boiling water in a sealed jar, after 20 minutes can be used, add a little rock sugar, drink change tea during the day. 6. Prevent constipation Figs contain a large amount of vitamins, fructose and more fiber than any other fruit and vegetable. For every 3 figs there will be 5 grams of fiber. Therefore, those who have bowel problems, or constipation, seek immediately. The fiber in figs helps to get rid of constipation, and also eliminates unhealthy bowel movements. In addition, figs also contain proteolytic that help support effective digestion. How to cure Constipation: (1) Fresh figs 9g sharp drink daily. (2) Ripe figs eat 3-5 fruits every day. (3) Fresh figs 10 washed and halved, the large intestine of the pig is cleaned and chopped, two things are stewed, spiced, eaten during the day. 7. Inguinal hernia: 2 figs, 9g
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