A cure for colon cancer, a fast-growing stage of cancer
Symptoms: Abdominal pain, bloating, tumors, diarrhea or dysentery, bloody stools pus, urge to defecate, loss of appetite.
Remedy: 白头翁汤 Báitóuwēngtāng combined with 槐角地俞汤 Huáijiǎodeyútāng
increase and decrease. Medicines:
Radix Pulsatillae Baitouweng 白头翁
Radix Rehmanniae Glutinosae Shengdi 生地
Flos Sophorae Immaturus Huaihua 槐米
Semen Coicis Yiyi 薏苡
Rhizoma Coptidis Huanglian 黄连
Herba Oldenlandia Baihuasheshecao 白花蛇舌草
Ttalcum Huashi 滑石
Rhizoma Pinelliae Banxia 半夏
Fructus Aurantii Zhiqiao 枳壳
Semen Persicae Taore
...n 桃仁
Flos Carthami Honghua 红花
Herba Scutellariae Barbatae Banzhilian 半枝&Show more