Ανατολική Ουκρανία: Η δολοφονία Ζαχαρτσένκο φέρνει Ντονέτσκ & Λουγκάνσκ σε ρήξη με το Κίεβο

DPR HEAD IS ASSASSINATED. PRO-KIEV FORCES PREPARE FOR ADVANCE IN EASTERN UKRAINE On August 31, Head of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) Alexander Zakharchenko died from wounds received in a bomb attack in the DPR capital of Donetsk in eastern Ukraine. The explosion, which took place in a restaurant, “Separatist”, also injured at least 3 persons, including the DPR Finance Minister. The Russian Foreign Ministry described the incident as a terrorist attack designed “to derail the process of peaceful political settlement in Donbass and the implementation of the Minsk Agreements”. The ministry called on the Kiev government “to stop relying on terrorism”. The DPR authorities accused the Kiev government of being behind the attack. The Security Service of Ukraine confirmed that it is aware of the incident but claimed that the death of Zakharchenko was a result of some internal tensions within the DPR.
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