Introducing EDEN by Joyce DiDonato

“With this project, we’re trying to tell the story of perfection” Welcome to the starting point of EDEN - a journey that I hope will inspire you, challenge you, instill you with hope, and invite you to connect more deeply to the perfect, natural world around and within you. We will pose questions, look for answers, invite you to take action, offer you moments to go inwards, and bring you along as we engage with young people across the globe both in nature and in song. It’s ambitious, to be sure. But isn’t now a wonderful moment to be ambitious? If not now … well, when? I hope you’ll join us along the way for all that EDEN can be (and more). __________ Through music from across the centuries, Joyce DiDonato calls attention to a subject more timely than ever before: our individual connection to nature and its impact on our world. Discover her EDEN project: Recorded with Il Pomo d’Oro and conductor Maxim Emelyanychev, the
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