[VEX for Algorithmic Design] E10 _ Volume Basics

This is a new series I’ve started explaining the basics of VEX for algorithmic design / procedural modeling which I’m using on daily basis. In this 10th episode, I’m explaining the basics of Volume when used with VEX coding with several examples. I’ve also started a Patreon, it would be great if I could get your support to continue creating tutorial contents. 00:00:00 Intro / What is a volume? 00:05:08 Visualize and modify scalar volume 00:18:00 Visualize and modify vector volume 00:27:17 Create volume from surface 00:35:05 Volume attributes 1 (position) 00:39:32 Volume attributes 2 (index and resolution) 00:47:45 Volume VEX functions 1 (volumesample) 01:02:55 Volume VEX functions 2 (volumesamplev) 01:14:56 Volume VEX functions 3 (volumeindextopos, volumepostoindex) 01:28:59 Volume debugging 01:39:08 Next topic - Dictionary [Project Data Downloads] [Patreon page] https:/
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