8-Bit Duck - bit crusher effect

The 8-bit duck is an analog sample rate reducer, which turns your signal into a bit crusher sort of sound. It uses a carrier frequency to set the pitch and drive the “crushed“ signal, which can be tuned w/ the “bit“ and “res“ knobs. This has the effect of reducing the quality of your guitars sound to NES and telephone quality rates. This effect is more subtle and usable than most “ring mod“ type effects. These finely crafted pedals are, as always, hand-built, painted/designed, and assembled w/ a meticulous attention to detail and quality of sound and tone in mind by myself, Luke Orsie, and are hand-painted/designed by my amazing girlfriend, Brittany Howard. ‎“comrade duck“ video to follow shortly. Just need to upload it to ewwtube... Big thanks to Crashable studios! (), for the videos and edititing. Be sure to check him out for any video/ production needs
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