Star Wars - Return Of The Jedi (1983) Soundtrack - “The Fall Of The Empire“ (Suite) (Soundtrack Mix)
I own nothing! All music by John Williams. Music owned by respective copyright holders. Music comes from the two CD “Return Of The Jedi“ expanded soundtrack released by Sony back in 2004. My own personal arrangement of this great soundtrack intended to be as epic and action packed as possible. I hope you enjoy it. If you would be interested in listening to more “Star Wars“ music, here is a link to a playlist featuring all my “Star Wars“ music mixes -
If you would be interested in checking out my full catalog of music mixes, here is a link to a playist featuring all my music edits -
Thanks for checking out the video and here is a coveted track list
0:00 - Main Title-Approaching The Death Star-Tatooine Rendezvous
2:43 - Luke Confronts Jabba-Den Of The Rancor-Sarlacc Sentence
5:45 - The Pit Of Carkoon-Sail Barge Assault